Entries by Jerry Hizon, MD

How To Measure Your Ketone Levels

When you start a ketogenic diet, one of the most common questions is how to measure your ketone levels. Most people on a keto diet do this because they want to see if there are in ketosis. To get started measuring your ketone levels, there are three types of ketone bodies to know about: Acetone […]

I lost 6 lbs in 2 weeks on the keto diet

1 week into Keto, is the hype real? Has it been hard to cut the carbs, skip on desert, and find nothing to order while at dinner? It’s been an interesting 1 1/2 week journey, to say the least. In this time I learned that MyFitness Pal app doesn’t like me intermittent fasting or eating […]

The Official Carbs to Keto Blog

Welcome to the official Carbs to Keto blog brought to you by the Keto Guys, Mike and Will. We are both excited and honored that you have chosen to incorporate this program into your life. This blog is intended to provide you with our first-hand experiences combined with tips, recipes and motivation to help get […]

Who are the Keto Guys?

My name is Will Leon and I’m a fourth year medical student (MS4) at UC Riverside. I have a strong background in biochemistry and have several years of experience working in laboratories conducting research ranging from organic chemistry to clinical science. I’ve had the pleasure of growing up in sunny Southern California and can say […]

Mike’s Daily Blog Post: Day 3 & 4

Days Three and Four: Wednesday, 11/29/2017 and Thursday, 11/30/2017 The past few days were a bit hectic because of interview season and the website we are working on, so I was unable to post. The good thing about being busy is we get caught up in our task and forget about food. It makes intermittent […]

Mike’s Daily Post Day 2:

Day Two: Tuesday, 11/28/2017 Morning: Day two is underway. Woke up this morning and chugged 32 ounces of water. Something I learned from intermittent fasting and the ketogenic diet is to always stay hydrated. Because these two techniques deplete the body of glucose (sugar from carbs) and glycogen (storage form of glucose in skeletal muscles […]

Mike’s Daily Blog: Day 1

Day One: Monday, 11/27/2017 *Disclaimer: I’ve been doing keto for 1 year on and off and consider myself at an advanced level. It is advisable that you consult with your doctor(s) before making major lifestyle changes Here we are, day one. I’ve said that to myself plenty of times. “Diets ALWAYS have to start on […]

You have been redirected from jerryhizonmd.com to motionmedicalgroup.com. Dr. Hizon has rebranded and is now practicing under the name Motion Medical Group.

Begin the health journey

A journey of a 1000 miles begins with the first step. Chinese proverb Health is one of the most important things we can attain. Recommendations can be complicated or they can be basic. I encourage my patients to “live simple”. Make it part of your life so you essentially “trip over health”. Health is not […]