Mike’s Daily Blog Post: Day 3 & 4

Days Three and Four: Wednesday, 11/29/2017 and Thursday, 11/30/2017

The past few days were a bit hectic because of interview season and the website we are working on, so I was unable to post. The good thing about being busy is we get caught up in our task and forget about food. It makes intermittent fasting much easier. I’m glad to say that in the same time frame, I have successfully entered ketosis.

That means my body has switched over from burning sugar/glucose for energy to burning fat for energy. Fat can be used by the brain and muscles in the form of ketone bodies. There are 3 types of ketone bodies that may be measured in different ways: acetone (breath), beta-hydroxybutyrate (blood) and acetoacetate (urine). The cheapest way to measure this is by urinating on ketone strips. Yes…I pee on a strip every morning.

The fastest way to get into ketosis is by fasting. From Sunday to Thursday evening, I almost completely abstained from food. My intake was in the form of fat from bulletproof coffee and bone broth (had some nuts here and there). I felt amazing during that time. Physical hunger was virtually non-existent. Social hunger, however, the type where you see others eating or think it’s time to eat because you “should eat something”, were plentiful. I can proudly say that I resisted eating at my residency interview. They were serving bread, pasta and soda (I honestly had no desire for that anyway). Peeing on the strip helps keep me motivated throughout the day; I want that thing to be able to change color every morning. That’s my external motivation.